Vol. 3 | No. 5-6, 2022


Mariyana STAMOVA


For more than two centuries the Albanian factor in Republic of Macedonia has been an objective and dynamically changingreality. It has manifested itself in different dimensions, forms and conditions: as an ethnic, demographic, socio-economic factorduring the Ottoman rule and in unitarian Yugoslavia; as an ethnic minority, political and constitutional-structural crisis – at thetime of federal Yugoslavia, in which the People’s (from 1963 - Socialist) Republic of Macedonia was included as a constituentpart; ten years after the establishment of independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia, since the beginning of 2001, alongwith its traditional dimensions the Albanian factor received a number of new ones: it has turned into a major problem for theexistence, constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Macedonia; it has emerged as an importantcriterion for the adherence to the European norms and standards, for inter-ethnic relations and resolving the problems of minoritycommunities, as well as for the successful and accelerated implementation of the European integration priorities in the foreignpolicy of the Republic of Macedonia; in 2001 it received also a military dimension - with the organization, arming and activationof Albanian paramilitary formations in Macedonia ready to establish control over certain areas in the Republic of Macedonia; ithas developed into a regional and international problem - after the active interference of the leading international players andforums, which have an impressive presence in the Republic of Macedonia and are able to influence the strengthening thestabilizing trends and processes in the republic. The last decade of the 20th century is associated predominantly with theinternational consolidation of the Republic of Macedonia, whereas during the first decade of the 21st century the country facedgrave international problems and confrontations between the Macedonian and the Albanian communities, as well as the dilemmaof its further steps towards membership in the European and North Atlantic structures.

Pages: 34 - 42