Vol. 3 | No. 5-6, 2022


Stojanche MASEVSKI


Geopolitical risks and challenges pose a huge challenge to all international actors, from countries, NGOs, to transnationalcorporations and international organizations. Geopolitics itself has a huge impact and significance on the formation of the worldorder, and thus inevitably with the hierarchy of the world and its constituent parts. The functioning of international organizationsregardless of their character is conditioned by the great geopolitical leaders such as USA, Russia, France, UK and China. This isespecially obvious in the UN. These countries are trying to achieve their geopolitical goals with the assistance and help of theright and power of veto and therefore paralyzing the work of UN and UN led operations. It should be emphasized in particularthat the role of the United Nations is not to uphold or reject a particular order and hierarchy in the world, but to guarantee peaceand security for all. The UN should not be an extended arm to achieve the goals of certain states, nor tool to gain geopoliticalpower. This is because some countries think that by being the biggest contributors to the financing of international organizations,they should have the greatest rights, benefits and advantages in the fields of security, economics, international relations over othercountries.

Pages: 55 - 59