Vol. 9 | No. 17-18, 2023


Lindihana GOXHA, Eip RUFATI


Modern solar architectures are based on direct (passive), indirect (active), and combined (passive and active) absorption of solar radiation. Building geometries and surrounding area characteristics can affect the availability and use of solar energy and the energy demands of a building. The shape of a building and the urban conditions in which it is located directly affect the availability of solar radiation. Most solar retrofit concepts claim to affect a building's thermal energy requirements. That is, reduce the heat supply of HV and/or hot water. However, most solar renovation projects also include traditional renovation activities (such as additional insulation or window replacement), so the specific benefits of a solar property are masked in the overall impact. Often some 'active solar' schemes can also be viewed as building energy efficiency measures, and some applied schemes require a more clearly defined aspect of solar. The main solar retrofit concept analyzed in this study is the clamshell/glazed facade combined with facade-integrated photovoltaics, which can affect the estimated energy performance of the building. The results discussed in this study include different public buildings in North Macedonia. Facility maintenance cycle

Pages: 136 - 144