Vol. 8 | No. 15-16, 2023


Fatmire AMITI, Rukije IBRAIMI


This paper deals with the tourism development of the East Region of the Republic of North Macedonia. The development of tourism is important for every region, especially in the economic aspect. Tourism empowers the local economy, creates new jobs, influences the regulation of infrastructure, etc. The East region with its geographical position, dynamic relief structure, suitable climate, water resources, high diversity and endemism of plants and animals, various anthropogenic motives, and others create a solid basis for the development of several types of tourism in this region, that can help to turn this region into an interesting tourist destination. The focus of the paper will be the natural tourist motives (mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers) and anthropogenic touristic motives (archaeological sites, museums, religious objects, manifestations) of this area, alternative forms of tourism that can be developed in this region based on its potential, the number of tourists in the period 2017-2022 and accommodation capacities in the East Region.

Pages: 120 - 127