Vol. 8 | No. 15-16, 2023


Xhejda JONUZI , Rukije IBRAIMI, Meribe MUSTAFI


Tourism means people traveling for fun and adventure. It includes activities such as sightseeing and camping. People who travel for fun are called "tourists". Places where many tourists stay are sometimes called "resorts". Places that people go to for tourism are called tourist destinations. The analysis of the environmental sensitivity, in the context of receptive capacity, is a criterion, which determines the efficiency of the application and long-term evaluation of tourist destinations, particularly regarding environmental issues. The performance management of tourist destinations means achieving a sustainable level of spending on natural resources while retaining underlying competitiveness. In the design and development, the project Stone Lights, this is an evaluation of the tourist value of Adriatic lighthouses. The authors of the project, and this study, aim to determine the exact approach to the sustainable capacity within a controlled expenditure of natural resources in the selected locations. The contemporary tourist practices often define the receptive capacity and access to the destination, primarily from the aspect of established competitive advantages. Such an approach is shown in tourist practices which are contrary to the effective long-term tourist valuation of the destinations. Format models with the aspect of destination management and allowable receptive capacity, means the purpose of customized marketing information systems, and known development opportunities of the specific tourist destinations.

Pages: 194 - 201