Ferat Sallahu, Lutfi Zylbeari, Altin Sallahu
Predisposing factors of colorectal carcinoma are ulcerative colitis, familial polyposis, adenomatous familial polyposis, Crohn’s disease etc. Persons aged 45-70 years old are most commonly diagnosed with the disease. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death related to cancer after the cancer of the lungs.. Colorectal cancer is localized in rectum in 53% of patients, sigmoid colon 27%, transverse colon 11.5% and colon ascendant in 8.5 % of cases. In this study, the diagnostic methods, treatment, most frequent localization, gender and laboratory parameters in colorectal cancer are studied. From 109 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer were included in the study. 51 cases (46.8%) were men and 58 patients (53.2%) were women. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate resulted to be increased in 71 cases (65.1%), leukocytosis presented in 31 patients (28.4%); glycemia presented in 15 cases (7.2%). The most affected group age was 41-50 years old in 53 cases (34.6%), while the group age 20-30 years old was affected in only 11 cases (7.2%). Localization of the cancer was most common in 79 patients (51.6%), sigmoid colon in 36 patients (23.5%), transverse colon in 21 patients (13.7%) and colon ascendant in 17 cases (13.8%).
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