Vol. 11 | No. 21-22, 2024




"The landscape is nature that appears aesthetically to the one who observes it and ponders about it including feelings: neither the fields, nor the streams, nor the mountains or pastoral paths are in themselves "landscape". They become such only when the human being turns to them without practical purposes, but simply by freely enjoying them” (Ritter, 2001). Precisely, bearing in mind this definition of landscape, we will try throughout this paper to analyze the transformation from nature to landscape in Asdren's poems. From volume to volume, in this author's poems, the macrocosm of nature gains equivalence with the human microcosm, transforming from an object of aesthetic observation to a participant in the feelings of the recipient of the utterance. In this way, nature and man become ontologically equivalent and participants in the same unit, which is the universe. Seen from this point of view, nature, in Asdren's poems, turns into a landscape, that is, into a piece of space that acquires meaning in the name of the expression of feelings poured into it by the addressee, who is not only satisfied by observing it, but wanders in it. So, the landscape is nature anthropomorphized by the psychic process of feeling, which is sometimes exalting and sometimes depressing. The reason for these transitions are the circumstances in which Asdreni finds himself, as well as the changing relationships he establishes with the society in which he lives or with the events in his beloved homeland, from which he is far away.

Pages: 224 - 229

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62792/ut.albanologjia.v11.i21-22.p2609