Vol. 2 | No. 3-4, 2024


Valmir SALIJI, Alirami SALIJI, Nikollaq BARDHI, Bardhyl LIMANI, Denada DERVISHI, Zejnedije ADEMI


Wheat is the most important field crop in the world. Two types of wheat are known: soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) used for flour production and hard wheat (Triticum durum L.) used for pasta production. The world area planted with wheat is 220,000,000 ha, varying over the years by 10% according to world price trends. The world production is 784 000 000 tons providing the basic food for the population of the world. Over 350 food items are produced from wheat, which are widely used in the world. The creation of new cultivars and their testing in different ecological zones has influenced the increase in wheat yields in the world. Even in North Macedonia, wheat is a basic crop in the agriculture of this country and is planted in an area of 80,000 ha with an average yield of 35 kv/ha, providing over 40% of the population's needs with the production of this crop which is very important in the Balkans. The cultivar testing is and remains the subject of ongoing scientific research and trials to determine the best cultivar according to specific ecological zones and soil conditions. Four cultivars were included in this study: Pobeda, Apache, Amazon, and Orovçanka. As seen from the name, the cultivars are from different areas and with different genetic origins. Their testing is necessary to determine their suitability and to select the best cultivar. The experiment was set up according to the classical methodology and the randomized block scheme with four variants and four replications. The dimensions of the variant are 5 x 4 m, thus with an area of 20 m2 of each variant. Biometric measurements and production indicators were made according to the methodology. The data were subjected to statistical processing to increase the accuracy of drawing conclusions and provide accurate advice.

Pages: 140 - 144

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62792/ut.jasrd.v2.i3-4.p2680