Vol. 9 | No. 17-18, 2022


Astrit Iseni, Baki Ademi, Altina Ademi


Purpose: In this paper, the correlation and influence of the body composition and some skin folds in the success of speed and agility performance have been investigated. The purpose of this paper is to establish the correlation and influence between body composition and skin folds as a predictive system and speed and agility performance as a criterion system. Methods: The survey was conducted in a sample of 170 male entities aged 14 years ± 6 months, primary school students at “Bajram Shabani” and “Naim Frasheri” – Kumanovo. A total of 10 variables were used in the research, including 4 variables for evaluating body composition, 4 variables for evaluating skin folds and 2 variables for assessing speed and agility performance. Variables for evaluation of body composition are 4 as follows: 1) body height (BH), 2) body weight (BW), 3) body mass index (BMI) and 4) body fat (BF), variables for evaluation of skin folds are 4 as follows: 5) Arm skin folds (ASF), 6) thigh skin folds (THSF), 7) pulp skin folds (PSK), and abdominal skin folds (ABSF), and variables for evaluation speed and agility performance are 2 as follows: 9) running 100 meters (RU100m) and 10) Agility 10x5 Shuttle run (A10X5Sh). Results: Based on the results obtained from the correlation analysis we can conclude that, we have significant level correlations between the variables: RU100m and ASF, with a positive value of .445 ** and A10X5Sh and PSF, with a positive value of .314 **, while we have low level correlations between the variables: RU100m and BF, with positive value .221 ** and A10X5Sh and BH, with negative value -.165 *. Based on the results obtained from the regression analysis, we can conclude that: between the predictive system and the criterion variables RU100m and A10X5Sh, there is a linkage of statistical significance, at a confidence level of 0,000. From the whole predictor system, the individual impact on criterion variable RU100m has the variables: BH, with a beta coefficient of -.893 and a confidence level of 0,02, and BF, with a beta coefficient of -.280 and confidence level of 0,043. While from the whole predictive system, individual variables in the criterion variable A10X5Sh have the variables: PY, with beta coefficient values of -.453 and confidence level of 0.005 and LT, with beta coefficient values of -.918 and confidence level 0.042. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained in this study, we can conclude that in order to have good results in speed and agility performance we need to have the lowest possible fat percentage in the body and also lower or average body height.

Pages: 33 - 39