Vol. 9 | No. 19-20, 2022


Fadil Mamuti, Agim Rexhepi, Svetoslav Stefanov, Lyudmil Petrov, Stoyan Denev, Milena Aleksieva, Stefaniya Belomazheva, Danail Kirov, Florin Cojanu, Daniel Rosu


The purpose: Blended Erasmus Intensive Programme at a seaside resort between four universities of different countries Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, and Macedonia. Project Subject: Sammer sports and sports animations/game activities for children on the beach. The aim of the training program was for students to organize and implement sports animation programs for children and to teach them water sports, outdoor games, and other physical activities on the beach. Method of work: The number of students who participated in this project was 24. In the project with multiethnic composition participated students of different ethnicities. While the staff and expertise numbered 9 professors from the four aforementioned universities. Practical lessons in outdoor/indoor contained sport animation activities for children: games, water sports, animations, and traditional dances of different Balkan Ethnicities. The program allows for presentation and integration as well as the exchange of good practices and experiences from different participating countries. Results and conclusion: Professional development of the students for sports animation for children water sports and games on the beach, social and communication competencies, recognition of intercultural values through traditional games and dances, learning through observation using workshop and video recording on methods of training, etc.

Pages: 25 - 35