Vol. 10 | No. 19-20, 2023




The alphabet is the set of letters that a language uses, arranged in a certain order. Phonological writing is based on the principle of associating a phoneme with only one letter, but this is only “ideal”, because in reality no conventional writing system is consistent and completely phonemic.In other words, it is known that the ideal alphabet would be one that would have only single, simple letters. A phoneme would always be written in every position with only one grapheme. Yes, there is no ideal alphabet. Even the alphabet we use today is not ideal. Therefore, to perfect it, thoughts, suggestions and proposals for its change have appeared from time to time.In this statement we will try to give our opinion on the above-mentioned issue. In principle, we are against any intervention to change the current Albanian alphabet.In the Alphabet Codification Congress, it was determined that Albanian should have a perfect, more widespread, easier and more practical script; that is, phonetic writing, better to say phonological. In this type of writing, each phoneme is given with a separate letter (single or double), so the number of signs is small. This graphic solution also finds support in the practice of printing Albanian text. The simple Latin alphabet is homogeneous in character, easy to write and very convenient to print.

Pages: 502 - 508